Author spotlight

Brittany Dietz

Brittany has travelled to London, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Mexico, The Caribbean, Canada and all over the U.S. She's passionate about travel and has big plans for future trips! Brittany is a Content and Social Media Executive at Cheapflights.
How to stay healthy while travelling: Tips from a pro
We’ve all been there: long flights, jet lag, late nights, small rooms… do we need any more reasons to...
QUIZ: Will you survive this summer without a vacation?
It’s summertime and the living’s easy. Or is it? Summer is synonymous with vacations, but not everyone is able...
Travel photography guide
There is no doubt that sharing photos is a favourite activity among travellers. Whether you keep a sleeve of photos...
QUIZ: Which celeb should be your travel buddy?
Even celebrities need to get away from it all. Whether you should be shaking it off on the dance...
Top 10 celebrity wedding destinations
Wedding days are one of the happiest in people’s lives. A day where two soulmates, surrounded by loved ones,...