We all know how to order a beer in our favourite bar but going overseas might be a different story.
Beer is the ultimate democratic drink, cheap and on sale in most countries around the world.
The only barrier to ordering a cold one might be the language.
That’s why we’ve created this infographic – to help you order a beer in the local language in 22 countries around the world.
If you’re going on holiday to Fiji, say “Bia, vinaka” (Bee-ah, vee-naka) in Samoa it’s Aumai sau pia, fa’afetai (pronounced: Au-ma-i sa-u pee-ya fa-a-fee-ta-i) and in Germany Ein Bier, bitte (say: Ine beer, bitt-uh). We’ve covered the basics for buying a beer in 19 other countries.
If you are travelling in another country and keen to taste a different version of your usual beer a few rules apply.
- Know how much you should tip, to avoid offending your waiter or waitress.
- Don’t let your guard down too much and avoid getting wasted.
- Don’t take all your gear to the pub; have just the bare necessities and stow the rest of your belongings in the hotel safe.
- If you’re travelling in a group get one person to be the (slightly more) responsible one who sticks to soft drinks and can guide the rest of you safely back to your accommodation.
- Never leave your beer unattended.
(Feature image: Chelsea Marie Hicks)
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how to order a beer around the world [Infographic] by the team at cheapflights.co.nz